From: the Desk of Chris Raleigh
To: LDS Men Who Struggle with Pornography
For decades I’ve struggled with unwanted sexual behavior which was fueled by pornography.
Over the last decade I’ve learned from many professionals, 12 Step Addiction Recovery Programs and most importantly the Holy Ghost on how to successfully manage the illness called addiction.
It's given me the freedom to live a beautiful life without relentless compulsions ruling my life, like waves crashing on a rocky shore.
During this troubling journey I did not know where to turn or even what my real problem was.
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned stems from this truth… pornography isn’t my problem, pornography is my solution, so what is my problem?
Why do I self-medicate?
Once I discovered I was centering my attention in the wrong place, the sky opened, and the light of Christ showed me the way out of darkness.
Addiction lives in the dark and it wasn’t until I brought my illness into the light that healing began.
In 2013 the Lord spoke to my mind and asked me to tell my family’s story who has struggled with addiction for multiple generations.
The Lord told me if I did tell my story with truth and transparency that He, our Father in Heaven would cover me under the shade of our Savior’s grace.
Years later I look back and witness that He has covered me countless times while on this journey.
I keep telling my story to most anyone who will listen.
I recently shared my story on both the Leading Saints Podcast as well as the Saints Unscripted YouTube channel among other platforms.
My prayer is to offer hope and encouragement to anyone who knows the pain of this compulsive illness.
As a community of healing brothers, please consider walking this recovery road with us.
I've often thought I would take this behavior to the grave; that isn't true. This condition is treatable.
Every day people learn how to effectively manage this illness, resulting in real sobriety.
By the grace of Jesus Christ, I Am Finally Free!
Chris Raleigh